Filed in Articles & Interviews

Would Keri Russell, Voice Of Cartoon ‘Wonder Woman,’ Be Up For The Live-Action Version?

Keri Russell is a huge Wonder Woman fan — so much so that she used to dress up as the Amazonian princess for Halloween. But even though she’s providing the voice of Wonder Woman in the upcoming “Wonder Woman” animated DVD movie, she’s not so sure she’d want to try her hand at doing Diana in a live-action “Wonder Woman” movie. Continue reading Would Keri Russell, Voice Of Cartoon ‘Wonder Woman,’ Be Up For The Live-Action Version?

Filed in Articles & Interviews

‘All About Eve’ a writer’s triumph

“We’re a breed apart from the rest of humanity,” says Addison DeWitt of theater folk in “All About Eve.”
Sometimes I feel and fear that in entertainment today, we have forgotten about the one primary ingredient — the writer. The playwright, the screenwriter, the book author, the lyricist. Without him/her, we are left with nothing but car crashes, stunts , grunts, and animatronic creatures of childhood charm. Continue reading ‘All About Eve’ a writer’s triumph

Filed in Appearances

The Actors Fund Presents A Reading Of “All About Eve”

As I mentioned earier Keri attented at The Actors Fund Presents A Reading Of “All About Eve”. It was her first public apperance in a long time and she looks lovely. I added some HQ pictures to gallery.

– Events The Actors Fund Presents A Reading Of “All About Eve” > November 10 2008

Filed in Appearances

Ally Sheedy, Keri Russell and Lili Taylor spend the night together

The success of the indie film Waitress was somewhat bittersweet after its writer and director, Adrienne Shelley, had been found murdered in her New York apartment only a few weeks before the film was to show at Sundance. Shelley was a talented and prolific writer, and some of her closest and most well-known friends are gathering to read one of her works in her honor on Nov. 17. Continue reading Ally Sheedy, Keri Russell and Lili Taylor spend the night together

Filed in Magazine

Lucky scans

I have added scans from Lucky December issue. Huge thanks to my friend Lisa for sending them.

– Promo pictures Lucky – December 2008

Filed in Career

Keri Russell set for ‘All About Eve’

Keri Russell will play scheming starlet Eve in the Actors’ Fund one-night-only reading of “All About Eve.”
Russell, whose screen credits include TV skein “Felicity” and the upcoming Adam Sandler pic “Bedtime Stories,” joins a cast that already includes Annette Bening (as Margo Channing), Angela Lansbury, Cynthia Nixon, Peter Gallagher, Joel Grey and Jennifer Tilly, among others.

Event is a benefit for the Actors’ Fund, a service org for performers and behind-the-scenes professionals. Helmed by John Erman, reading is set for Nov. 10 at Broadway’s Eugene O’Neill Theater.


Filed in Appearances

New apperance

Actress Keri Russell (”Felicity,” ”Waitress”) will join Mayor Daley to light the city’s holiday tree in Daley Plaza at noon Dec. 2. Russell, who will be seen with Adam Sandler in the upcoming holiday flick ”Bedtime Stories,” has partnered with Underwriter Laboratories — responsible for lighting the 2008 Chicago tree — for a program stressing safety over the holiday season.
