I have added HD screencaptures from last night episode of The Americans 1×12 – The Oath.

– Screen Captures 1×12 – The Oath
I have added HD screencaptures from last night episode of The Americans 1×12 – The Oath.
– Screen Captures 1×12 – The Oath
Question:Is there any hope we’re going to see Philip and Elizabeth reconcile or make up a little on The Americans before this season ends? I’m not looking for all their problems to be worked out, but watching the last few weeks has been such a disappointment. The sexual tension and chemistry between those two was phenomenal the first half of the season. As much as I like the spy work, it’s not as interesting to watch when you completely take out the romance and make them into robots. — Hannah
Matt Roush:I don’t know where the show’s going in the finale (and if I did, I probably wouldn’t tell you, this isn’t that sort of column), but I have all kinds of hope that Philip and Elizabeth will continue to try to work things out. The fact that we’re frustrated by their lack of connection and maddeningly bad timing — when one wants to make up, the other misconstrues or has other priorities — is a sign that we care, and that’s a good thing. Elizabeth’s emotional breakthrough in last week’s episode is a positive sign that she will fight as hard for this relationship as she has for her homeland. That’s a major development for this character, and a clear sign that they’re anything but robots. But if you’re expecting a conventional romance here, you’re almost certainly going to be disappointed.
Source: http://www.tvguide.com
Thanks to my friend I added Liz I added new photoshoot from People magazine.
– Photoshoot 2010 – People
I have added HD screencaptures from last night episode of The Americans 1×11 – Covert War.
– Screen Captures 1×11 – Covert War
I have added HQ scans from Keri’s cover of Women’s Health May issue.
– Magazine Scans Women’s Health – May 2013
Keri on the set of ‘Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’ in Vanouver.
– Movies > Dawn of the Planet of the Apes On Set – April 12 2013
Sony Pictures Classic has set Jerusha Hess’ Sundance comedy for a limited release in NY and LA on August 16th. The film stars Keri Russell and Jemaine Clement.
Source: http://collider.com/
I have added a new photoshoots that Keri did for Women’s Health May issue.
– Photoshoots Women’s Health – May 2013