Filed in Appearances Gallery Updates

Heavenly Bodies: Fashion & The Catholic Imagination Costume Institute Gala

Keri and MatthewRhys attended the Heavenly Bodies: Fashion & The Catholic Imagination Costume Institute Gala at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 7 in New York City. Keri wore Chanel dress.

– Events Heavenly Bodies: Fashion & The Catholic Imagination Costume Institute Gala – May 7 2018

Filed in Articles & Interviews The Americans

The Americans recap: Rififi

The world is collapsing around Philip and Elizabeth and they are too busy warring with each other to even realize it. The deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Teacup has ignited a counter-espionage wildfire in the FBI, and they’ve connected more dots than ever before about the covert Soviet operation in the United States.

Philip and Elizabeth are tearing their relationship apart just when they need each other the most.

We begin with Philip dropping a heaping helping of judgment on Elizabeth. “Stan came by. He was very upset about the couple murdered right in front of their 7-year-old kid.”

“I didn’t do it in front of their kid. He was in another room. I didn’t see him,” Elizabeth shoots back.

“He saw them. Covered in blood.”

“What do you want me to say?” Continue reading The Americans recap: Rififi

Filed in Appearances Gallery Updates

Running Wild with Bear Grylls Stills

Keri Russell joins Bear on an epic journey to the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa. After battling the dangerous, rolling rocks of a massive volcano, the duo descend into a mysterious canyon where they source a meager dinner of undigested seeds from a pigeon carcass, and test their luck with a grappling hook to escape the towering canyon walls. Later, after a cringe-worthy breakfast of crickets, Keri and Bear make a daring escape from a mountain peak using a paraglider. Along the way, Keri reveals her path to fame, her love of family, and the playful struggles of co-starring alongside her husband.

The episode will air on May 14 on NBC.

– Episode Stills Running Wild with Bear Grylls

Filed in Articles & Interviews The Americans

The Americans recap: The Great Patriotic War

We’re close to the halfway mark on the final season of The Americans, and the title of this episode gives you some idea where we’re heading: “The Great Patriotic War.”

As Paige learns during her Russian Immersion Training from her mother and fairy spymother Claudia, this is what Soviets call World War II, where they lost (by Claudia’s estimate) 27 million people to the Americans’ 400,000.

There has always been a body count on this show, but it’s usually strangers who meet untimely ends. Chances are, we’re going to start losing people we know very soon.

That brings us to Sofia and Gennadi, the Russian defectors nicknamed Mr. and Mrs. Teacup by the FBI. Stan helped recruit and manage them, but now their cover has been blown and they are in protective custody.

This humiliation cannot be allowed, so The Center has dispatched Elizabeth and her team to eliminate Mr. and Mrs. Teacup. We open with them using Stan as the trail of breadcrumbs that will lead to them. Continue reading The Americans recap: The Great Patriotic War

Filed in Articles & Interviews The Americans

The Americans: Philip and Elizabeth are living in very different final seasons

Elizabeth Jennings keeps killing. Halfway through The Americans‘ final season, the Soviet spy played by Keri Russell has shot, strangled, or stabbed six people. That’s 1.2 murders per episode.

Well, “murders.” She could plead self-defense in one case: Attacked by traitorous General Renhull (Victor Slezak), she shot him with his own gun in his own hands. That blast face painted her with chunky blood, boiled skull, and ambient cortex, so she looked like Bill Paxton at the end of Near Dark.

It’s not always so messy. Last week, Elizabeth earned a 100% stealth rating by Solid Snaking her way through a darkened warehouse. She popped the lightbulbs with her silenced pistol, and then she popped three security guards. That scene was thrilling, but death can be funny on The Americans, too. In the third episode, Elizabeth staged the old “Security Audit” ruse, inviting a guy from the warehouse to a hotel room. The rube explained all the ways a savvy operator could sneak past the guards — and then blathered on about his gal pal, who worked in security. With a weary my-day-just-got-longer sigh, Elizabeth thanked him for his service — then grabbed his neck, and pressed Triangle for Skull. Continue reading The Americans: Philip and Elizabeth are living in very different final seasons
