Filed in Movies

The Girl in The Park captures

I have captures Keri movie The Girl in The Park. Its really great movie. Keri looks amazing.

– The Girl in The Park Screen Captures

Filed in Candids

New candids

I have added 2 new candids set of Keri out and about in NYC.

– Out and about: July 1, 2008
– Out and about: June 30, 2008

Filed in Movies

‘Wonder Woman’ DVD Movie

The golden Lasso of Truth won’t be needed to confirm the rumors: Keri Russell is indeed the star of the February 2009 animated DVD movie Wonder Woman, the next in a series from Warner Bros. and DC Comics following Tuesday’s release of Batman: Gotham Knight. (Check out the full poster here.) Continue reading ‘Wonder Woman’ DVD Movie

Filed in Appearances

Teen Choice Awards nominations

Keri received nominations for the Teen Choice 2008 Awards for Choice Movie Actress: Drama. The shows will air August 4 at 8 PM ET/PT on FOX. You can vote here

Choice Movie Actress: Drama
Kate Bosworth – 21
Keira Knightley – Atonement
Keri Russell – August Rush
Reese Witherspoon – Rendition
Scarlett Johansson – The Other Boleyn Girl

Filed in Candids

New candids

Keri out and about in West Hollywood on May 23

– Out and about: May 23, 2008

Filed in Candids

New candids

I have upload new candids from May 3 where Keri and River where out and about and May 4 where they visit the Farmer’s Market in Pacific Palisades.

Filed in Movies

Bedtime Stories on set pics

Adam Sandler and Keri Russell do some additional work on their upcoming family comedy, “Bedtime Stories”. During one scene Adam’s stunt double rides a motorcycle with Keri Russell, as Adam has hurt his left foot.

Filed in Movies

Bedtime Stories on set pics

Actor Adam Sandler gets a hand from Bedtime Stories co-star Keri Russell as he uses crutches to get around the set on April 21.
