With Antlers opening in theaters this weekend, I recently was able to speak with director Scott Cooper and Keri Russell about their horror-thriller. Produced by Guillermo del Toro, the film is based on Nick Antosca’s short story “The Quiet Boy” and it follows a small-town Oregon teacher (Russell) and her brother (Jesse Plemons), the local sheriff, who discover that a young student (Jeremy T. Thomas) is harboring a dangerous secret with frightening consequences. I don’t want to say too much more, except if you have seen the trailers, you know a creature is involved. Antlers also stars JT Corbitt, Graham Greene, Scott Haze, Rory Cochrane, and Amy Madigan.
During the very fun interview, they talked about making Antlers, how the film is talking about what’s going on in the world without being preachy, why they wanted to make the film, and if someone has never seen any of their work before where they should start. In addition, last time I spoke to Scott Cooper it was with Guillermo del Toro and del Toro offered to take Scott to Disneyland for his first visit. I asked if he made the trip, which leads to a fun exchange.